Category Archives: recipes

Support your body to better ward off infection & illness with this recipe

Herbs and spices have various “healing” properties.  They can also play a role in prevention.

Specific profiles will vary, but in general, appropriate usage of herbs and spices in our dietary protocols can make a favorable impact on digestion, circulation, blood sugar regulation, and immune response.  Within the scope of health-beneficial herbs and spices, options such as cinnamon, cloves, and ginger are often revered.  (click on each of them for more info)

I am happy to share this nourishing hot beverage from my mother’s recipe Rolodex.  A true inspiration, she has been steadfast in practicing whole-food, natural-living protocols for many years.

This warming drink comes especially in handy for times that you notice signs and symptoms of a nasty bug coming on, such as a cold or other viral infection.

Start with the following:

  • cinnamon stick (break it up if you can)
  • 1 tsp whole clove buds
  • 1 tsp ground ginger
  • two large mugs of water

Put the water in a pan and bring to a high boil.  Add cinnamon and clove.  Cover, reduce heat and simmer for 20-30 minutes.  Turn off heat and add ginger.  Steep for about 15 more minutes.

Time to get warm and spicy.  Drink up.  Strain the desired amount.  Add lemon juice and honey to taste (optional).  Keep any remaining beverage to sip on later.

Photo credit Wellness Stock Shop #wellnessstockshop @wellnessstockshop

Ashley L Arnold, MBA, MPH is a lifestyle health educator and coach who supports clients to channel authority over their health, well-being, and overall vitality.  Offering health education approaches and 1-on-1 coaching modules, she gets them out of excess weeds of information and inconsistent practices that don’t get desired results.  Through helping people focus on the right applications paired with appropriate consideration for bio-individual facets, they become stronger, more confident self-advocates for their health.  Bottom line, they will surpass challenges, embrace healthful living with ease, and, best of all, feel a greater sense of empowerment and more energy!

In need of formalized support to make healthful lifestyle changes?  Contact me through my business site.

Easy to Make & “Not So Fried” Green Tomatoes

In attempts to squeeze out the last remaining days of summer, I have been reflecting on some of the ultimate yummies of summer produce.  One of these is, of course, tomatoes!

As a child, I remember watching the movie Fried Green Tomatoes and being fascinated with the concept.  Despite growing up in the lower Midwest (U.S.) where both southern and northern cuisines influence what is customary to eat, I didn’t hear of fried green tomatoes until Hollywood re-popularized the concept via a movie title.

Being naturally inquisitive about food from an early age, I was eager to try them.  Although I can’t remember when or where my first taste occurred, I do remember my response to them was not favorable.  In fact, I thought they were terrible!  We didn’t fry a lot of food in my family, but it wasn’t as though the concept was completely foreign.

Later on in life while living in Atlanta, I finally had a taste of what fried green tomatoes are most likely suppose to taste like.  Usually made with cornmeal or a mixture of it with flour and often with buttermilk and/or butter, a well made fried green tomato is a savory addition to a meal or as an appetizer.

However, implications related to consumption of fried foods, likely ones I don’t need to ramble on about, and potential challenges to those with certain dietary restrictions may put these savory little slices off limits.

Therefore, I sought out to play around with these boogers to see what I could come up with.  Turns out, pan-seared in coconut oil is not half bad.  It’s certainly not the rich, savory flavor that a battered and fried option might provide, however, it’s much better with regards to the smoke point and nutritional quality for the oil.  Using this method also presents a great time to play with spices, such as a little smoked paprika, black pepper, and quality salt.

Regardless of seasoning (or not), something about the green tomato and it’s slight tart consistency paired with the richness of coconut oil really works.  I definitely recommend it.  I know some have sensitivities to coconut oil or just want to use a variety of options in food preparation and, therefore, I would also like to try other options with higher smoke points.  (See note below about oil quality and smoke points).

Most likely a garden, farmer, or farmers market will have the best organic green tomatoes.  I’m definitely an advocate of food sourcing from these options when possible and seasonal shopping usually saves $$$.  Although mid-summer months are typically the primo range for tomatoes, the later days of the season should still provide some viable options.

green tomates on pan 3983191110_7e8a6a454b_b (2)

To recap,

  1. Find some great organically sourced green tomatoes, local if you can.
  2. Play with spices/seasoning and oil options.
  3. Slice and pan sear until lightly browned on a low-medium quality pan, such as cast iron (pictured).  I also recommend heartier slices of approximately 1/2″ wide.

In the spirit of “Live Healthful”, I welcome any other tips for using green tomatoes in a “not so fried” way.

***Essentially, hydrogenated oil use should be avoided and good oils should be used in cooking according to their appropriate smoke point.  Typically coconut oil or certain tree nut options, such as macadamia or walnut have higher smoke points.  Rotating out options is a great idea for balance of related nutrient intake and variety of flavors.

Ashley L Arnold, MBA, MPH is a lifestyle health educator and coach who supports clients to channel authority over their health, well-being, and overall vitality.  Offering health education approaches and 1-on-1 coaching modules, she gets them out of excess weeds of information and inconsistent practices that don’t get desired results.  Through helping people focus on the right applications paired with appropriate consideration for bio-individual facets, they become stronger, more confident self-advocates for their health.  Bottom line, they will surpass challenges, embrace healthful living with ease, and, best of all, feel a greater sense of empowerment and more energy!

In need of formalized support to make healthful lifestyle changes?  Contact me through my business site.


Wellness Wednesday: Tropical Smoothie

The upper Midwest had a fluke winter warm up this past weekend for a bit of spring/summer tease.

However, typically this is the time of year where we are starving for a little “paradise”.  Therefore, it could be the perfect time to get creative in the kitchen.

Frozen fruit can be a great way to leverage powerful phytonutrients into the diet, particularly across times of the year where seasonable options are not available fresh.  A key to healthful smoothies is balance.

I have found that tropical fruit combos, although sweet, can be used in moderation to balance greens such as spinach or super green based blends.

Including options such as chia or hemp seeds and a spoonful of coconut butter, avocado, or nut butter will add compounds such as omega 3 and healthful fats.

A combination that I find most appealing is as follows:

  • 1 bag of organic tropical frozen fruit blend, 16 oz (typically this includes pineapple, banana, strawberries, and mango)
  • 2 handfuls of raw spinach (often available through hoop house suppliers in winter)
  • 1 spoonful raw greens powder
  • Approx. 1-2 tbsp coconut butter
  • Approx. 1 tsp chia seeds
  • Approx. 2 tsp cinnamon
  • If desired, a splash of well-sourced nut milk (liquid from the fruit may be sufficient or water can be used)

Blend to desired consistency.

***NOTE:  The above recipe may not be suitable for all dietary plans particularly those considerate of food combining.

Ashley L Arnold, MBA, MPH is a lifestyle health educator and coach who supports clients to channel authority over their health, well-being, and overall vitality.  Offering health education approaches and 1-on-1 coaching modules, she gets them out of excess weeds of information and inconsistent practices that don’t get desired results.  Through helping people focus on the right applications paired with appropriate consideration for bio-individual facets, they become stronger, more confident self-advocates for their health.  Bottom line, they will surpass challenges, embrace healthful living with ease, and, best of all, feel a greater sense of empowerment and more energy!

Wellness Wednesday: Sweetheart Quinoa Breakfast

A few years ago I had a friendly waitress let me in on a little secret; cook quinoa directly in the coconut milk for “breakfast quinoa”.  Add some seasoning such as cinnamon and, voila, a simple breakfast substitute.

Well sourced quinoa (often from fair trade channels in countries such as Bolivia) is good for a.m. protein, at 8 grams per cup.  It is also a “complete protein” which refers to the whole form and that fact that it consists of an adequate proportion of essential amino acids.  Appropriate protein and healthful fat sources incorporated into the a.m. meal is thought to help support appropriate hormonal regulation through out the day.

To make your sweetheart (and you yourself are also a sweetheart!) a special Valentine’s day themed breakfast, consider making this and adding antioxidant rich dark cherries, raspberries, or strawberries.  Although not in season for all this time of year, organic berries can typically be found in the frozen food section or freeze dried fruits have seemed to pick up in popularity.

I would also suggest cacao nips and coconut flakes!

*Note:  Freeze dried fruits are great for travel and not candied in the way dried fruit options are.

Ashley L Arnold, MBA, MPH is a lifestyle health educator and coach who supports clients to channel authority over their health, well-being, and overall vitality.  Offering health education approaches and 1-on-1 coaching modules, she gets them out of excess weeds of information and inconsistent practices that don’t get desired results.  Through helping people focus on the right applications paired with appropriate consideration for bio-individual facets, they become stronger, more confident self-advocates for their health.  Bottom line, they will surpass challenges, embrace healthful living with ease, and, best of all, feel a greater sense of empowerment and more energy!

How do you Spaghetti Squash?

This is an engagement post.  Please comment.

Personally, I love to make a roasted tomato-garlic-basil base with an arugula saute layered over pre-baked spaghetti squash.  Using this method, you can carve the squash out of the shell onto a plate or simply spoon out the sauce and arugula directly over 1/2 of the cooked squash and scoop it all out like it’s a big bowl itself.

A few other notables that have caught my eye;

Spaghetti Squash Chow Mein by Little Bits Of –

Spaghetti Squash Black Bean Bowls by THE glowing FRIDGE –

Spaghetti Squash Hashbrowns by The Honour System –

Ashley L Arnold, MBA, MPH is a lifestyle health educator and coach who supports clients to channel authority over their health, well-being, and overall vitality.  Offering health education approaches and 1-on-1 coaching modules, she gets them out of excess weeds of information and inconsistent practices that don’t get desired results.  Through helping people focus on the right applications paired with appropriate consideration for bio-individual facets, they become stronger, more confident self-advocates for their health.  Bottom line, they will surpass challenges, embrace healthful living with ease, and, best of all, feel a greater sense of empowerment and more energy!

Wellness Wednesday: Time for Curry!!!

This has been one of the most popular recipe requests by my friends and colleagues.

Many recipes for curry have been developed.  Although this is not a known fact, I imagine the variations have originated out of different villages across the various areas in which it curry, as the dish we now know it, was popularized.

In my brief research, I learned that the term “curry” may be more “Americanized” (or influenced by regions such as Britain) to designate a certain dish itself versus a cuisine type.  More can be found from the links at the bottom of this post.

Similar to many culinary connoisseurs before me have done, I have taken the guidance of others, tried it in the kitchen, and adjusted to develop my craft.

Although I experiment with different variations and adjust for the occasion, my most common go to is Red, Spicy, & Basil Vegetable!


As many of you may already know, I am a conscientious cook.  My goals are healthful (nutrient dense and balanced), non- or minimally processed, additive free, eco-/sustainable, and, when possible, locally sourced.  Of course operating in this way is a craft in itself.

For curry, I have settled on culinary coconut cream (milk).  Right now I know of one who makes it; So Delicious Dairy Free.  The option isn’t 100% in line with the standards above, but its the best I can find with the most desired outcome for consistency.  It comes in a small carton;

Otherwise, I rely on organic spices and produce.  (Check out Mountain Rose Herbs for a beautiful array of bulk, organic spices!)

This recipe can be scaled up.  I find the measurements below make 3-4 hearty dishes.

  • 1 carton of culinary coconut milk
  • 1-2 tbs of coconut oil
  • approx. 1/4 C vegetable broth
  • 3 tbs paprika
  • 1 tbs each turmeric, cumin, black pepper, garlic powder, & red pepper flakes (optional)
  • 2 tbsp dried ginger (can use grated fresh if preferred/available)
  • 1 tbsp dried oregano
  • 1 tbsp of salt, pink Himalayan or sea salt
  • 1 medium white onion, thinly sliced or diced
  • 4-5 fresh garlic cloves, minced or chopped
  • 1-2 cups of chopped fresh vegetables of choice (Really, any can work, but I prefer broccoli, peppers, carrots, and mushrooms most.  Sugar snap peas are also a commonly used option for this style of dish.  A mix of hot & mild peppers is in the photo.  I have also been known to thrown in other assortments that I need to use up, such as a turnip, radish, or handful of spinach at the end of the cooking process).
  • 1-2 healthy handfuls of fresh basil, chop if needed
  • 1-2 sprigs of fresh parsley, curly preferred and chopped as needed
  • 2-3 fresh green onions or chives, finely chopped
  • 1 C dried quinoa (which will be cooked according to your preference)

This may seem like a lot of spices and herbs, but trust me, spice makes the dish!  I recommend pre-measuring the dried spices and salt out in a small bowl, mixing them together in advance.  Then, they will all be added in one step during the cooking process.  Another option is to make a curry paste with the fresh garlic minced and dried spices.  This version will include a healthy dose of olive oil which I often skip for this recipe version.  If possible, I avoid heating olive oil.

Start with a larger pot and the burner on low.  I have a gas stove and need to use the absolute lowest setting.  Add at least 1 tbs of the coconut oil and allow to melt.  Then, add the onions.  Don’t allow the coconut oil to get too hot or it will pop when you add the onions.  Add the remainder of the coconut oil as needed.

Allow the onions to soften approximately 40-50%.  They will just be starting to turn glass like in appearance.  At this point, you will want to stage your vegetables by desired cook time (including the fresh garlic).  For example, carrots take longer than broccoli and peppers.  This is also when to start adding the vegetable broth.  Adjust as needed, but you shouldn’t need much because the fresh vegetables will have their own moisture.  Use just enough to keep the mixture moist and not charred or dry.  Stir periodically and cover as needed.

Once the vegetables are approximately 75% tender, you can add the spices and coconut milk.  Stir!  Allow the mixture to begin to bubble slightly, then turn the burner off and add the fresh Basil, Parsley, and Green Onions.  Put the lid on for a 1-3 minutes, then you are ready to serve over the cooked quinoa.

For an Autumn twist, swap out the quinoa base for cooked squash.  If using squash for a base, you might also sweeten the pot with 1 tbsp cinnamon and 1/4 tbsp each of nutmeg & clove.  Some also prefer to add chick peas or lentils.

The cooking process should take approximately 20 minutes or less.  The variance will be due to your choice of vegetables.

Ladle out the curry and vegetables over your base to serve.  Sit back, enjoy!

A little more on “curry” –

Pin Posts

Ashley L Arnold, MBA, MPH is a lifestyle health educator and coach who supports clients to channel authority over their health, well-being, and overall vitality.  Offering health education approaches and 1-on-1 coaching modules, she gets them out of excess weeds of information and inconsistent practices that don’t get desired results.  Through helping people focus on the right applications paired with appropriate consideration for bio-individual facets, they become stronger, more confident self-advocates for their health.  Bottom line, they will surpass challenges, embrace healthful living with ease, and, best of all, feel a greater sense of empowerment and more energy!


Last year I made my own pickles for the first time with a classic option of cucumbers and, for a twist, the stems of rainbow chard.  This year, I expanded my skills and tried a different method.  I also made my own sauerkraut.

Many pickle recipes (which can be applied to more than just cucumbers) call for a brine in which some combination of vinegar, water, sugar, and seasoning are heated in a saucepan, then poured over the vegetables in a jar and, possibly, combined with fresh dill.  However, a heated, brine version may be more of personal preference versus actual necessity.

This year I tried a cold method.  Many Pinterest posts share various recipes, but essentially it is a combination of water, vinegar, garlic, black pepper, other seasoning of choice, and, in my case, fresh dill and cucumbers.  I decided to play with 3 variations;

  1.  White Vinegar
  2. Apple Cider Vinegar
  3. 50/50 Apple Cider & White Vinegars

So…  which was the winner???  

Although all three options came out well and were ready for consumption within 24-48 hours, I leaned toward the white vinegar or the 50/50 combo.  Although, I certainly don’t want to discourage the Apple cider vinegar option due to the health benefits it can provide.

I’m not certain yet if this method works well for sweet pickles (“bread & butter” style), but I was happy to find that the cold method worked great for dill pickles.  It’s much easier and faster than heating up the brine in a saucepan.  My bowl below equaled three 12 oz mason jars.  Next time I will know to make more with my favorite method!

Ashley L Arnold, MBA, MPH is a lifestyle health educator and coach who supports clients to channel authority over their health, well-being, and overall vitality.  Offering health education approaches and 1-on-1 coaching modules, she gets them out of excess weeds of information and inconsistent practices that don’t get desired results.  Through helping people focus on the right applications paired with appropriate consideration for bio-individual facets, they become stronger, more confident self-advocates for their health.  Bottom line, they will surpass challenges, embrace healthful living with ease, and, best of all, feel a greater sense of empowerment and more energy!



Weekend Skillets

I wanted to devote a post to my latest love…  weekend skillets.

What is this? you might ask.  Well, quite frankly it’s a food smorgasbord that a little extra a.m. time on the weekends allows for.  Basically, you chop up, season, and saute a host of different vegetables to pair with eggs and/or other protein rich source (fish, other meats, or something plant based such as edamame or mushrooms), optional healthy grain or seed sources, such as quinoa, and condiments like hot sauce or salsa.  Top this off with a healthy fat, such as a sliced avocado, and there you have it, a skillet breakfast at it’s best.  Sometimes, depending on flavor combination, I even drizzle a little cold olive oil on top of the finished dish for added savor.  Another skillet option is to combine a cooked base with a topping of fresh, raw ingredients.

As part of my personal protocol, I have been focusing on a concept PFFC balance (protein, fat, fiber, carbohydrates).  Conceptually, this acronym serves as a guiding principle for planning meals, at a macro-nutrient level.  The goal is to apply the principle to each meal and snack through out the day.  When food options are appropriately selected, such as dark leafy greens for the complex carbohydrate category, micronutrient and fiber intake goals can also be achieved.

The science suggests that following an appropriate PFFC balance across meals and snacks throughout the day can contribute to better hormonal balance and blood sugar stabilization.  Therefore, it is further supportive of optimal health though nutrition.  The skillet presents an easy way to make this happen.  I have also learned that if I eat this in the morning, I can go most all day and only need to rely on snacks.  For my fitness and social activity routines on weekends, this is really helpful.

I found the break down PFC Balanced Eating Part 1:  What is PFC? from Dietitian Cassie clear and easy to apply (2016).

The skillet makes planning PFFC easy.  Not only is it fun to prepare and eat, it also allows me to partake in a fantastic life hack!  It might come as no surprise to you that I am fanatic about brown bag lunches.  Not only does this help me stay on track with my nutritional goals, it is a cost-effective measure.  As a customer of a regional CSA (community supported agriculture) share, I am even more committed to coming up with my own food preparation tactics as well as recipes.  What I have learned when making the skillet, I can easily perform extra chopping to be used in other recipes.  Previously I had been committing a pretty significant block of time on Sundays to do all my weekly food preparation.  However, the addition of a skillet breakfast on Saturdays allows me to split of my prep time and has ultimately saved time over all.

Dietitian Cassie also addresses ways to budget this approach to eating on the Healthy Simple Life website, PFC on the CHEAP part 1 (2014).


Healthy Simple Life. (2014). Retrieved from PFC on the CHEAP part 1:

PFC Balanced Eating Part 1: What is PFC? (2016). Retrieved from Dietician Cassie. Real Talk. Real Food. Real Life.:

Vegan Zucchini Gratin | Minimalist Baker Recipes

I was so excited to review this recipe from Minimalist Baker (with credit to my CSA for including in their weekly newsletter, #TomatoMountain).  Such a great Spring recipe.  Kudos for adding a little healthy fat in the cashews.

Ashley L Arnold, MBA, MPH is a lifestyle health educator and coach who supports clients to channel authority over their health, well-being, and overall vitality.  Offering health education approaches and 1-on-1 coaching modules, she gets them out of excess weeds of information and inconsistent practices that don’t get desired results.  Through helping people focus on the right applications paired with appropriate consideration for bio-individual facets, they become stronger, more confident self-advocates for their health.  Bottom line, they will surpass challenges, embrace healthful living with ease, and, best of all, feel a greater sense of empowerment and more energy!

More Purple… Recipe Share: Purple Power Salad

If you have noticed a recurring theme of “purple” in my blog, this is no coincidence.  Both red and purple have presented themselves as signature colors in my life.  When I was a little girl, I had to have the pastel lavender option for various toys and products, such as an 80’s style tape recorder “boom box”.  In college, it just so happened I joined a sorority with national colors purple and white, therefore, continuing the theme of purple in my life.  Aside from fashion and home accessories, I love to find the color in nature.  Turns out food is a great place for it (see my 2015 blog post “Blue-Purple”).

…and so, without further delay, another recipe share.  Again, this is inspired by Sarah Britton.  However, as we begin to pull ourselves out of winter and think about Spring, I love to start thinking about salads again.  This one has become a go-to in my life and will, undoubtedly, become a classic as time goes forward.  In addition, the spice and herb focus to the dressing not only brings about a flavorful punch, it is a savvy way to pack in a little extra nutrition.  I highly recommend to try at least a small amount of cayenne pepper, even if you think you don’t like a hot spice.  The cinnamon combination creates a nice balance.  One adjustment I have done in the past is blend figs into the dressing itself.  At certain times of the year, I can find organic green figs in the frozen section for a reasonable price.  Black figs (or Turkish as I most prefer) can be a little pricey.


Ashley L Arnold, MBA, MPH is a lifestyle health educator and coach who supports clients to channel authority over their health, well-being, and overall vitality.  Offering health education approaches and 1-on-1 coaching modules, she gets them out of excess weeds of information and inconsistent practices that don’t get desired results.  Through helping people focus on the right applications paired with appropriate consideration for bio-individual facets, they become stronger, more confident self-advocates for their health.  Bottom line, they will surpass challenges, embrace healthful living with ease, and, best of all, feel a greater sense of empowerment and more energy!

Purple Power Picnic Salad